All Posts in the series: Learning Testing in PHP

A Gentle Introduction to Testing in PHP

Learning testing can be very overwhelming especially if you're just starting out. I felt very overwhelmed when I started learning it. And after years of writing tests and learning how to write them (and I still do), I realize...

Getting Started with PHPUnit

In the previous article, we learned about the basic concepts of testing in general. Now, let's move on to something more practical and focus on how to write unit tests with PHPUnit. The main goal of this tutorial, is to get y...

The Basic Workflow of Writing Unit Tests with PHPUnit

So, you now know the basic concepts of testing, and how to use PHPUnit as a tool. Now, let's see the basic workflow of writing unit tests with PHPUnit with a simple example. What are we going to build? I couldn't find an easi...

Writing Functional Tests with Codeception

In the introduction to testing article, we took a quick look at functional testing and why you would need to write them. Now, let's actually see how to write them. What tool to use? There are primarily two tools used to write...